ORITECH is one of the leading & recognized IT firm having 63 (sixty three) potential Authorised Training Centres providing sophisticated, qualitative, cost-effective, updated Computer education through out Odisha.
During these years ORITECH has generated around sixty seven thousand (67,000) IT aspirants under the project “ODISHA COMPUTER SAKHARATA MISSION” a state level computer literacy campaign.
OCSM-ORITECH is an ISO-9001:2008 certified IT firm.
OCSM-ORITECH is an authorised Study Centres of DDCE, North Orissa University, Baripada offering MCA, MBA & PGDCA courses.
ORITECH is member of Computer society of India M.I.T, Govt of India and has involved with Department of IT, Govt of Odisha, in imparting Computer Teachers Training Programme through our ATC.
ORITECH tied up with Indraprasha Technology University, Meerut to provide MCA, BCA, M. Sc(IT), B. Sc(IT) through off-campus programme at our A.T.Cs in Odisha.
OCSM-ORITECH is also imparting training to the newly recruits constable of central Industrial Security Force (CISF)s, Minstry of Home affairs, GOVT of India at RTC, Paradep.
OCSM-ORITECH associated with major players in IT fields to provide placement opportunities to their aspirant through PLACEMENT CELL.
Our other Division i.e. ORITECH.COM, IT ODISHA, ORITECH SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT are involved in other related activities & associated with major players in IT fields (Private & Govt Sectors) in Odisha.
- To spread the message of mass Computer education in the state of Orissa.
- Cover and universalize Computer education in all Districts of Orissa.
- Committed to generate & educate 1 Lakh Computer literate in Orissa by the year 2018.
- To contribute “Operation Knowledge” an initiative made by central government.
- To introduce Oriya Language in Computer education.